Here are some strategies that may help minimize the damage caused during this festive season:
If you have a dinner where you know you'll overindulge, "save" calories in your other meals that day to have extra calories available for dinner. How? By partially or completely cutting out certain foods in other meals (e.g., rice, pasta, potatoes, bread, olive oil).
In meals with "excesses," consume a vegetable soup and ask for cooked or salad vegetables as a side. Be cautious with the amount of olive oil you add to the vegetables (1 tablespoon of olive oil contains about 100 kcal). Prefer lemon juice, vinegar, and herbs for seasoning.
Avoid appetizers (salty snacks, bread with butter, cheeses).
Drink plenty of water throughout the day, including before and during meals. Water should always be the drink of choice, but if you can't do without a soda with your meals, opt for the zero/light versions.
Remember that you don't need to refill your plate or eat all the desserts to have a good meal. Fruits are still available at this time of year, don't forget them.
Increase physical activity on days when you can, as it will help you burn more calories.
Given the difficulties, not gaining weight during this season can even be considered a victory. Above all, enjoy without worrying too much about these occasions, which are important from a psychological and social standpoint and contribute to good health.
Happy holidays!
João Viegas Nutritionist (2884NE)